Student Services
For information about IDEA, please click here
Gifted and TalentedStudent Services is responsible for the Gifted and Talented Education programs in the district. Our GATE program includes 2nd through 8th grades at Laguna Elementary and Middle Schools. The GATE curriculum is project based and tied to the Common Core State Standards.
For more information about the Gifted and Talented regulations, please click here
Student Services oversees the Section 504 services in the district. Section 504 can be a service option available to students with disabilities who have been evaluated and meet the identification criteria. Section 504 is designed to provide equal access and fairness in general education to students with disabilities, through what is known as a Section 504 Accommodation Plan.

Physical Health
Mental Health

McKinney-Vento Homeless Act
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act is a federal law that protects the rights of homeless children and youth to access, stay in, and be successful in school while they or their families are homeless. The law focuses on maintaining school stability and school access and providing support for academic success for homeless students.
Title I
Improving the Basic Programs and Supporting the Academic Achievement of Students
The purpose of the Title 1 program is to ensure that all children have fair, equal, and significant opportunities to obtain a high-quality education. The goal is for students to obtain, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic standards and state academic assessments.
Title II
Professional Development and Teacher Quality
The purpose of the Title II program is to increase academic achievement by improving teacher and principal quality. This program focuses on increasing the number of highly qualified teachers and principals in schools; and increasing the effectiveness of teachers and principals by holding schools accountable for improvements in student achievement.
Title VI
Supporting the Efforts to Meet the Educational and Culturally Related Academic Needs of American Indian Students
The purpose of the Title VI program is to support the district in meeting the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of our students. It also helps to ensure that our programs are based on the same challenging academic content and student academic achievement standards that are used for all students across the state of New Mexico. Both Laguna Elementary and Laguna Middle School receive Title VI funds.
For more information, please click here
For questions and comments about the Title VI application, please contact Student Services at 552-9200